LSD Allenii Music Archive

LSD Allenii is the pseudonym of a musician, who made music from his room which garnered him a community who loved his music. His music has been described as ethereal, reverb-washed, psychedelic, indie pop.
In March of 2023 he deleted all of his music and videos off of the internet.
This website holds a complete archive of LSD Allenii's music.
LSD Allenii deleted his music to improve his online privacy. Please respect his decision by not harrassing him.

Current Archive Status

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Sorry, your screen is too small to display the changelog.

Date Change Attribution
2023-10-19 Added mode eleven music video you Youtube folder Anonymous Contributor
2023-10-19 Added Will to Be True folder to Bandcamp Wayback Machine
2023-10-20 Added Any Second Now to Will to Be True Ben Lunato
2023-10-21 Uploaded full soundcloud archive Anonymous Contributor
2023-10-24 Updated MP3 tags in Soundcloud folder, removed duplicates Webmaster
2023-10-31 Filled Will to Be True and A Second Guessing with FLAC files Anonymous Contributor
2023-10-31 Renamed folders to better match content Webmaster
2023-10-31 Added Full Webmaster
2023-11-03 Fixed missing audio from some videos Webmaster
2023-11-03 Added more videos from Ben Lunato Ben Lunato
2024-01-16 Added new tracks to Singles Anonymous Contributor
2024-01-17 Added LSD Allenii and Shut Up EPs Anonymous Contributor



The pseudonym LSD Allenii was applied to the works here retroactively at the request of the artist.
We request that you do not share the uncensored files or information about the artist. This is out of respect for his privacy.
If you have purchased any of his albums in the past and would like a refund, please join the Discord server and contact @wycre for information on how to receive a refund.